

The provision of any service requires prior appointment.

Steps to be taken to obtain the previous appointment:

  1. The client must visit our establishment since they do not reserve appointments by phone, email, whatsapp, etc.
  2. Once the client is in our establishment, he decides the service he wants, with the assistance of our staff.
  3. The desired service is valued and the price is informed.
  4. If it is decided to contract the service, the date and time for the provision of the service are agreed.
    • If you want to get the service in that same visit and there is availability in the agenda, the appointment could be obtained even for that same moment.
    • In case the client is a minor, he must be accompanied by one of his parents or legal guardian, all of whom have an identification document (DNI, NIE, Passport, etc.).
  5. Our staff will complete the service file.
  6. The client is shown the conditions of the contract that he must read and only if he is satisfied with all of them, sign the service file.
    • In case of minors, you must read the conditions of the contract and sign one of your parents or legal guardians.
  7. The service is paid in advance at the moment of signing the service file.
  8. The previous appointment is obtained, assigning the corresponding date and time and reserving the space of time necessary for the provision of the service.
    • The client can request the change of date and time of his appointment with, at least, 24 hours in advance.
    • In case the client does not show up for his appointment or arrives late, he must request a new one.
    • The order of service provision is, first of all, according to the date and time of the appointment and, failing that, according to the order of contracting (service file number).